Sunday, 16 May 2010

quick catch up

Done a lot since the last post. The thing that smells like garlic, but isn't garlic or wild garlic IS wild garlic - still stinks and spreads everywhere!!! And the thing i hate but don't have a name for i now have a name for Horse raddish - spreads everywhere, roots snap when you try to dig them up - erghhh.....

.... Willy has dug and rotovated my whole plot so I have got lots to do! So far have sown more carrots (to replavce the ones willy dug over (D'oh).), put up my bean poles for the french beans, sown some beetroot, spring onion, and raddishes, rocket, lollo rosso and a butterhead called salad bowl.

The tomatoes are looking good, my Marmande and Costalucia are looking really good, as are the Roma, the cherry toms are looking a bit leggy but i think that are ready to go into bigger pots.

I've swept out the green house and got rid of all the rammle that has accumulated there, so it is all ready to go for the toms and the gherkins.

The sweetcorn is now about a foot tall and is desperate to go out side, but still need to wait a few more weeks, the Leeks are out and i only have enough for two and a half rows!!! need to sow some more.

Going to buy some more parsnip and get them sown, going to have a go at some chives and some basil too, although i think i'll keep the basil on the kitchen window sill.

Also had a gerneral good tidy up, put all my bricks up by the apple tree, which, incidently, is now in blossom so fingers crossed i might have a couple of apples this year dispite the hacking i gave it earlier in the year.

The strawberries are looking good, lots and lots of flowers so fingers crossed that means lots and lots of strawberries!!! got to but some straw to mulch them and need to get my fleece down too. The rsepberries are not looking that good, on one out of 18 canes has started to sprout. Not sure what that is all about but they are all still green under the bark so i hope they will pick up a bit.

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