Sunday, 23 August 2009

22nd and 23rd Aug!

Wow two days in a row!! Wonders will never cease.

Spent yesterday evening dodging mozzies and picking runner beans - 15 bloody pound of the damn things to be presice! also watered everything cos my soil is looking somewhat akin to a dried and drought ridden african river bed a week before the rainy season is due to start!!!

This afternoon the sun was shining and the birds were singing and i could practically watch the bloody bind weed grownin in front of my very eyes! However i managed to win a battle agains the weeds that were swapming the brocoli - which is only starting to get florets on it WOOOWOO. Also pulled up a lot of nettles and nettle roots - always good in short sleeves.

Everything is going really well actually. The carrots i sowed in the empty ground left by the potatoes have srung up - not sure they will amount to anything but i'm not loosing anything trying. Both the savoy and the red cabbage are hearting up nicely - won't be long before i can harvest them!! the brussels are coming along nicely and will be ready before xmas as well - oh joy.

EERRRMMMM The caulis are looking good, as are the swede, catapillar attack not withstanding. I hoes a leek but that seems to be part of the course for me at the moment.

And a bit of a mystery - there are hundreds of dead slugs all over my allotment. I havebt used any nematodes os wondering what is happening there, not that i am complaining about dead slugs!

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