Sunday, 23 August 2009

22nd and 23rd Aug!

Wow two days in a row!! Wonders will never cease.

Spent yesterday evening dodging mozzies and picking runner beans - 15 bloody pound of the damn things to be presice! also watered everything cos my soil is looking somewhat akin to a dried and drought ridden african river bed a week before the rainy season is due to start!!!

This afternoon the sun was shining and the birds were singing and i could practically watch the bloody bind weed grownin in front of my very eyes! However i managed to win a battle agains the weeds that were swapming the brocoli - which is only starting to get florets on it WOOOWOO. Also pulled up a lot of nettles and nettle roots - always good in short sleeves.

Everything is going really well actually. The carrots i sowed in the empty ground left by the potatoes have srung up - not sure they will amount to anything but i'm not loosing anything trying. Both the savoy and the red cabbage are hearting up nicely - won't be long before i can harvest them!! the brussels are coming along nicely and will be ready before xmas as well - oh joy.

EERRRMMMM The caulis are looking good, as are the swede, catapillar attack not withstanding. I hoes a leek but that seems to be part of the course for me at the moment.

And a bit of a mystery - there are hundreds of dead slugs all over my allotment. I havebt used any nematodes os wondering what is happening there, not that i am complaining about dead slugs!

Sunday, 16 August 2009

15th August - Blight Saturday

I have potato blight - stinky nasty slimy potato blight - 1 in 10 of my tubers have had to be thrown away and i would imagine in the coming weeks i will have to throw a lot of the sotred ones away as well.

Have had to dig my main crop even though they should be in the ground until october and all my second earlies are up and out. fingers crossed that the tatties in storaged will keep ok.


Saturday, 8 August 2009

Sorry a bit of a catch up!

Everything is doing really well. Been down this evening and collected my first runner beans, probably enough for a couple of nights dinners if we are not too greedy!

The weeds have taken over recently and i really need to spend some time ripping roots out and burning dried weeds, am growing quite a nice patch of dock leaves so must get around to doing that!!!

other than that nothing terribly exciting to report. the bloke oppistie has picked the monster tomoato since last sunday so that highlight has now gone :(

oh well - where is my weeding fork?,.......