Saturday 18 June 2011

18th June

Well I helped out in the shop again today and earned my big boy stripes.... And i have officially joined the big boy club too! Roy offered to water the green house whilst i was on holiday! Check me. I'm old and i am  a man now.

Picked my first decent harvest of peas. Yum Yum forzen a load of them and am looking forward to throwing them down with some sausage mash and gravey later this week! Ate a few more raspberries, and strawberries. Will be loosening the onions soon and the garlic too, potatoes aren't too far off being ready, and it is all getting very excitable now! Woo Hoo!!!

Must hoe and tidy up, viv and paul are coming down for a viewing on Monday.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Mid June

Wow - almost everything in now, jus a few bits to get sorted. Now i jsut have to keep the weeds down!

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Well where are we..... oh yeah in the bloody thick of it, 4kg of strawberries later, all my brassicas are in, apart from PSB and next springs cauliflowers. Peas are getting there and my raspberries are looking good. will update further after the weekend.