Saturday, 18 July 2009

Sat 19th July

Wow - How fast do weeds grow?!?! must have pulled up at least 3000 tonnes of bind weed today!

Harvested all my beetroot which is now pickling!! and harvested all my spring onion too.

Had my first lot of tattie too woohhhoooo they were LUUUURRRRRRvly!

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Friday 10th July!

WOO HOO we have a fence (or at least a bit of one) Yay - soon my domain will be rabbit free and my beans might have a bloody chance to grow more than 2 inches!

Also pulled more beetroot and spring onions for lunch too.

Thankyou shaun for all your help and expertise!.

Love you loads

Monday, 6 July 2009

Saturday 4th July

How fast do these bloody weeds want to grow? I turn my back for thirty seconds and i am confronted with a bloody jungle of bind weed and bloody dock leaves!

Spent most of the morning weeding and watering, but also ripped out my dwarf bean canes as there was no sight of them doing anyting after two months int he ground. Replaced them with a whole load of brocoli, clabrese rather than purple sprouting! Haven't abandonded my dwarf beans totally though, I have planted some up in a pot on the patio just to see if i can get a few.

Went to see Roy (my favourite allotment buddy) and have asked for the generator for 10th July. We are fence building so next time you see our lottyment we might just have a fence!!! woohoo all mod cons and everything!

Had our first baby beetroot Wednesday night - yum yum. they were lovely, going to leave the rest to get bigger for roasting - might plant another lot soon so i have some baby beets for pickling at the end of the year (ooooohhhhhh how domesticated!!!)

Not seen rita for a long while, think that rat poison i put down may have worked :(

Thursday, 2 July 2009

mid week mutterings

OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH I pulled my first baby beetroot wednesday evening! they were delicious! How exciting.

On a not so good note i had to eject an unwanted visitor from my cabbage patch :( I'm going to put up a big sign

"No Catapillers Welcome"